winget install Git.Git
winget install git で実行すると,以下のように「どれインストールしたいの?」と聞き返されます.
PS C:\Users\dolphin> winget install git
名前 ID ソース
My Git 9NLVK2SL2SSP msstore
Git Git.Git winget
Git Microsoft.Git winget
PS C:\Users\dolphin> winget show Git.Git
Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency.
Git for Windows focuses on offering a lightweight, native set of tools that bring the full feature set of the Git SCM to Windows while providing appropriate user interfaces for experienced Git users and novices alike.
ホーム ページ:
インストーラーの URL:
PS C:\Users\dolphin> winget show Microsoft.Git
This is microsoft/git, a special Git distribution to support monorepo scenarios. If you are not working in a monorepo, you are likely searching for Git for Windows instead of this codebase.
In addition to the Git command-line interface (CLI), microsoft/git includes the Scalar CLI to further enable working with extremely large repositories. Scalar is a tool to apply the latest recommendations and use the most advanced Git features.
インストーラーの URL: